Certificate in Public Policy Economics: The Certificate in Public Policy Economics is intended for students with an interest in working on fundamental policy issues related to labor, health, taxation, the environment, economic equality, gender, and other microeconomic issues. Employment in state and federal government agencies, in non-profit or non-governmental policy organizations, or graduate study in economics or public policy, are likely career paths. Besides the normal core courses for the economics major, students take four of the electives listed below as part of the seven electives required for the major. One of these is a required core course. There are specific grade requirements, including a minimum overall g.p.a. of 3.0 to receive the certificate, and a minimum B grade for all courses taken to satisfy the certificate requirements.
Core: One of the following courses
01:220:402 Labor Economics
01:220:433 Health Economics
01:220:460 Public Economics
Electives: Three of the following courses, with the option of including additional courses from the core list above.
01:220:331 Economics of Crime
01:220:422 Advanced Econometrics for Microeconomic Data
01:220:431 Urban Economics
01:220:432 Environmental Economics
01:220:438 Education Economics
01:220:463 Economics of Taxation
Faculty Advisor for the Certificate in Public Policy Economics: